All 4 Paws Training, LLC

We facilitate the needs of the disabled to self train their own service dog, enabling them to become self reliant and self sufficient.

Obedience 3

This class is to prep you for Public Access training & features an intro to Rally and Competition obedience.  We do a lot with fine motor control and body awareness.  This course changes based on the needs of each class.  This is a 6 week course.

Week #1

  • Watch: Adding Duration
  • Place - Elevated & Flat
  • Swing into heel
  • Back Up refreshed

Week #2

  • Sit - Down - Stand: with Distance
  • Stay with Distractions + Leave It
  • Down on Recall (Emergency Down)
  • Watch with Distractions

Week #3

  • Stays (out of sight with distractions)
  • Recalls with distractions
  • Touch Transfer: Tape

Week #4

  • Paw/Button
  • Paws Up 
  • Stay at the door (ignore the company)
  • Shake/No shake

 Week #5

  • Trust games: Basket
  • Tight spaces.: Under/In
  • Step Over

Week #6

  • Watch with Distractions
  • Place: Elevated, Flat & Strange
  • Loose Leash Heeling w/Obstacles & Distraction: Toys, Food & Dogs

First Class Only Please Bring:

Bring to Every Class:



Enroll Now

The following class dates are available now:

If none of these scheduled classes work out for you, you can always add yourself to the "Obedience 3" waiting list by clicking the button below. We will get in touch with you when a new class becomes available.

Get on the "Obedience 3" waiting list.

Obedience 3 Waiting List

So that we know you're really a person, type the word   calm   into the space below.



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